Fan Mail – Testimonials..
send Al your
Received March 12, 2001:
Mr. Maniscalco, I attended your groups performance at Blues Alley
(10p.m. set) last Wednesday. It was my first time attending a live jazz
performance and I thoroughly enjoyed the music and the energy the
quartet expressed in the various pieces. You all were wonderful.
Congratulations on the release of your new CD and please extend my
sincere gratitude to Mr. Reed, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. Scott for sharing
their talents as well.
Received March 20, 2003:
Hi I love your music, I’ve been to one of your concerts and I have to
say, wow!
Scott Hirsch
Received July 2, 2003:
I am Bill Bartlett, the older retired guy who sat near the front row at
your Wilmington N C performance a few days ago. I want to tell you that
I am.. yes-- profoundly moved by the spiritual depth and sheer beauty of
your music. Since then I have been dealing with your music in terms more
than its adroitness, technique or mood-- all that stuff. Like in
experiencing poetry I go back to listening to your music (as in
re-reading the poem) knowing that the very least I'll get is the same
wonderful feeling as last time if not a new spine tingling insight.
I have listened to the album "More in My Heart" over and over and each
time there is no slackening of its impact on me. It is like you thought
long and hard somehow about the shape and meaning of every note in these
songs in a lifelong attempt to impart something abstract and almost
'holy". Rarely for me (well - take Coltrane in My Favorite Things for
instance) does the music inspire awe and thought like this. I'll be
listening and then start thinking (or experiencing.. I don't know how to
say it) nothing specific and then be aware and kind of startled that
I've been in your song all along. To me it is the gift of art -more than
just the performance that- you have worked for and shared.
Bill Bartlett
Wilmington, NC
Received July 4, 2003:
Hi Al,
I LOVE the new CD. I have listened to it over and over ....especially
"More In My Heart." That is one hauntingly, gorgeous piece of music. I
can't hear enough of it.
Candy Leney
East Coast Jazz Festival
Received February 22, 2005:
Just wanted to thank you for introducing me to jazz music. I really
enjoyed listening to your quartet in Cary, NC at The Blue Note a couple
of weeks ago. I bought your "More in My Heart" CD afterwards and wanted
to tell you it is all I listen to in my car every day back and forth to
work on my 30 minute commute because it is so soothing and relaxing.
Cary, NC
Received August 2, 2005
Al > Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I am enjoying
the Tidings Park concert CD that I picked up at An Die Musik last
Saturday. The Saturday concert was super … a real treat to hear Bunky
Green and your quartet in person. The most enjoyable aspect of the
evening was the two-up playing, the exchanges with Bunky and your
comments about him. He seems to exude peace and love and your bond
appeared evident in the performance. As well, both appeared to be having
a very enjoyable time with the interplay. I consider myself fortunate to
have experienced this in person. And, I should say, I enjoyed your take
on Giant Steps.
Mike Korczynski
Bel Air, MD
Received September 12, 2005
I first heard you guys at first Fridays in Bel Air and was disappointed
that my other, jazz-loving friend didn't come to hear you. I persuaded
him to go down to The New Haven Lounge to hear you the following week.
We're glad we did. It's a great spot for good jazz and you guys were
incredible! It's been too long since I've heard such tight, excellent
playing - it was like having my ears and head cleaned! Just great, I
wish there was a recording of it. I'll persuade some of my other friends
to come see you next time!
Lattie Smart
Harford County, MD
Received September 13, 2005
I saw you and the rest of the quartet play on Saturday night at the New
Haven Lounge. Anyway, I just wanted to write and say that I enjoyed your
performance and encourage you to try to book a show in Norfolk, VA. If
you should happen to make your way down here, please let me know, as it
would be sad to miss your show if you were near to me. If I don't see
you in Norfolk, perhaps I'll be able to catch you guys next time I am in
Baltimore visiting the family.
Norfolk, VA
Received October 19, 2006
Dear Al,
On behalf of the attendees of the Fifty-sixth annual Jeanie/Stephen Auditions and Ball, I want to thank you and your quartet for being with us on Friday, October 6th, 2006. Your selections were excellent. Thank you for dressng for the occasion. Thank you for working with us. Wow, you have a great source of talent. We are looking forward to booking your group again. I also have a few other functions to find musical entertainment for.
I will be in touch.
Again many thanks. We all will keep the arts alive.
My very best,
Connie Tuttle Lill
FFMC President